Want to Get Famous on Social Media? These Tips Can Help.

Social media users across the globe are preoccupied with getting more visibility. If you use social media to promote your business, increasing your traction on social media is even more important. Finding ways to increase visibility can pay lasting dividends for your online branding strategy. When you increase engagement with your content on many platforms,…

The Ultimate 2018 Guide to Converting Your Blog into a Profitable YouTube Channel

YouTube is a massive ecosystem of thousands of audiences ready to take action. Us bloggers like this. People buy, sell, play, download, vote, chat etc every day because YouTube inspires them to. One source reports over 62% of millennials will take action after viewing an ad (think of an ad as your clever piece of…

Twitter Automation and Growth: 3 Tips for Effective Twitter Marketing

Twitter is still one of the most sought-after and recommended social platforms in the world today. Whenever something groundbreaking happens in the world, it usually gets reported through Twitter first. At the same time, Twitter is still the preferred platform for most brands and bloggers, when it comes to sharing their content and messages with…

12 Ways to Successfully Market to Gen Z by Leveraging Social Media

As entrepreneurs and businesses are always on the look out for new ways to make money and target demographic audiences, it’s important to always think about the next generation of young adults that are just waiting around the corner. Described as the country’s first fully digital generation and typically made up of consumers under the…

Five Entrepreneurs Who are Effectively Using Facebook Advertising

Facebook is, by far, the biggest and most popular social network out there. With over 1.71 billion monthly active users and around 1.13 daily active users, Facebook dominates the social networking industry. Apart from being a social networking platform, Facebook has also emerged as a propitious platform for advertising. Subsequently, Facebook advertising is quite the…